Well cancer can be fatal OR it can be treated and go into remission. What path 4th wave decides to go forward with into it’s 5th wave will be Key.
Cells send chemical signals to each other all the time. Normal cells obey signals that tell them when they have reached their limit and will cause damage if they grow any further. Unlike all other cells in the body, cancer cells don’t stop growing and dividing when there are enough of them, something in cancer cells stops the normal signalling system from working. So the cells keep doubling, forming a lump (tumour) that grows in size.

James Esses will have his claims that he was treated unlawfully tested at tribunal
The former barrister will sue the UK Council for Psychotherapy for discrimination
He alleges he was kicked off degree course for expressing gender critical views

Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people
“It is absolutely right that children and young people, who may be dealing with a complex range of issues around their gender identity, get the best possible support and expertise throughout their care.”
— Dr Hilary Cass

The UK Government has announced its plan to place separate male and female toilets in all new public buildings – forgoing gender neutral toilets in an alleged effort to protect women
As of 4 July 2022, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities has developed an approach to have all new public buildings be fitted with toilets which are single-sex only, indicating gender neutral toilets are not safe for women and girls.

Research exploring the unique challenges autistic adults face in relation to mental health problems, self-injury, and thoughts about ending life.
What are the top 10 priorities for future suicide research in autistic people?
1 What barriers do autistic people experience when seeking help, which may put them at greater risk of suicide?
2 What are the risk and protective factors for suicide in autism across the lifespan?
3 To what extent are autistic people not believed about the severity of their distress?
4 How can we further understand suicide where mental health is not a factor across the lifespan?
5 How can we best identify and assess suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviours in autistic people, in research and clinical practice?
6 How should interventions be adapted for autistic people and individual presentations?
7 What is the experience of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in autistic people? Is this experience different to the general population?
8 How do autistic people seek help when they are in a crisis?
9 How well do existing models of understanding suicide apply to autistic people?
10 What is the impact of poor sleep on suicide risk in autistic people, and how can this be measured?

“Autism is clearly not resolved with surgery or potentially harmful medications. Political ideology must be put aside for the sake of these vulnerable young people. Vigorous research and thorough studies must be undertaken before these clinics can be permitted to proceed with these radical transgender treatments.”

In this teaching laboratory, students design and perform an experiment to determine estrogen’s role in imprinting the brain of neonatal rats to express either male or female sexual behavior. A discussion question is provided before the laboratory exercise in which each student is asked to search the literature and provide written answers to questions and to formulate an experiment to test the role of estrogen in imprinting the mating behavior of male and female rats. Students discuss their answers to the questions in laboratory with the instructor and design an experiment to test their hypothesis........

Eugen Steinach (1861–1944)
By: Claudia Nunez-Eddy, Federica Turriziani Colonna
Published: 2017-02-16
Keywords: Testes, sex hormones, Estrogen
Eugen Steinach researched sex hormones and their effects on mammals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Europe. He experimented on rats by removing their testicles and implanting them elsewhere in their bodies, and he found that the testes interstitial cells produce male sex hormones. He developed the Steinach Rejuvenation Procedure, which he claimed could rejuvenate men by increasing their production of sex hormones. Steinach’s work on female sex hormones and on ovarian extracts led to the development of the first standardized injectable estrogen. Steinach's research on reproductive hormones helped researchers explain the roles of sex hormones and develop hormone drugs.