Jennifer Thetford-Kay

Jennifer Thetford-Kay

EXCLUSIVE: Young North Carolina woman sues the doctors who put her on testosterone at age 17, saying she needed therapy, not a double mastectomy, in latest blockbuster ‘detransition’ lawsuit

A doctor told Mosley she would 'grow a penis' from testosterone jabs Medics were more interested in money and glory than helping her, it is claimed Read more about Mosley's efforts to raise funds to reconstruct her chest  In her 53-page complaint, she says her doctors 'lied', including by saying testosterone jabs would solve her problems and make her 'grow a penis.' She has since decided to 'detransition' and live as a woman, and seeks financial damages. The treatments left irreversible scars, she says, including a deep voice, body and facial hair, pain in her neck and shoulders, a damaged vagina, and she will not be able to breastfeed and may be infertile.

Tougher transgender guidance for schools is unlawful, Sunak told

Ban on social transition blocked by legal advice Steven Swinford Political Editor Tuesday July 18 2023, 9.00pm, The Times Rishi Sunak is expected to delay issuing transgender guidance for schools after the attorney-general and government lawyers warned that plans to strengthen it would be unlawful. A Whitehall source said that No 10 and Kemi Badenoch, the women and equalities minister, wanted the guidance to be hardened amid pressure from Tory MPs.

The harmful “chest feeding” phenomenon

Clip regarding the harmful "chest feeding" phenomenon - full video on linked tweet - plus an article on the harms and effects Two women #AdultHumanFemales Both doctors, what "science" do you want to follow? Medical Facts or Sociological Theory? #Safeguarding CASE STUDY 2 – Experiment of Induced Lactation in a Trans-identifying Male (excerpt from ‘Born in the Right Body’)

With Keir Starmer unable to define what a woman is, no wonder Stonewall is targeting Labour’s top team

Stonewall chief executive Nancy Kelley met with Sir Keir Starmer last month. The charity is accused of being a lobby group with influence based on 'fear' Last month, former journalist Iain Anderson and Stonewall chief executive Nancy Kelley met with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and a group of LGBTQ+ business leaders.

After years of controversy, many hoped trans-rights obsessed Stonewall’s creeping takeover of our institutions had been curbed – but a special Mail investigation has discovered how we’re STILL in the charity’s stranglehold 

By Sanchez Manning23:19 14 Jul 2023, updated 23:22 14 Jul 2023 Stonewall has weathered years of controversy to remain powerful political force But in recent years the charity's fight has pivoted to more ideological territory

Autism & Gender Identity

There is increasing awareness among parents, caregivers, clinicians and therapists that there is a clear link between gender identity issues and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We know that currently, 76% of referees to The Tavistock & Portman Gender Identity Service (GIDS) are adolescent girls, and we also know from The Tavistock’s statistics that 48% either have a diagnosis of, or show traits of Autism. Altogether, this is an astonishing number of young people sharing characteristics that are usually only present in 1% of the population. While there is clear evidence that there is a link between the number of children and young people with gender dysphoria or identifying under the transgender umbrella, there is no research that looks at why. Part of the reason for this is that the exponential rise in children and young people experiencing gender dysphoria or identifying as trans has taken place very quickly – too fast in fact, for research to keep up.

The Paedophile Information Exchange: Timeline of press cuttings 1975-2014 & brief history

Brief history & Press cutting linked to PIE: The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984. The group campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent. It was described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organisation of people who trade obscene material".