NHS loophole allows puberty blockers for children11 months ago
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Mistaken identity: article from 2004, twenty years ago! Definitely one to read:
Once, if you felt you were born the wrong gender in the wrong body, you had to put up with it. Now, there are up to 400 sex change operations a year carried out in Britain. Some transsexuals who resort to surgery live to regret it, others decidedly do not. David Batty hears their stories David Batty Sat 31 Jul 2004 00.45 BST https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2004/jul/31/health.socialcare Two months ago, Marissa Dainton changed sex for the third time in 11 years. She started life as Mark Dainton in 1967. In 1992, a year before her first sex change operation, she took the name…
Dr James Davies BA. MSc. MA. D.Phil. : The Origins of the DSM
“Psychiatry under the dominance of the biomedical model over the last 40 years has wrongly medicalized increasing numbers of people in contemporary Society so apparently one in four of us now suffers from a mental health disorder in any given year and I’m going to argue that this figure is so startlingly high because Psychiatry has simply renamed more and more of our natural and normal or be it painful human experiences as indicating psychiatric conditions that often times require some kind of psychopharmaceutical intervention so by reclassifying normality as abnormality Psychiatry has helped create the illusion of a psychiatric…
NHS loophole allows puberty blockers for children
Prescribing drugs that stop children from developing physically and neurologically banned by health service last month after interim review Michael Searles, HEALTH CORRESPONDENT ; Daniel Martin, DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR and Dominic Penna, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT7 April 2024 • 7:57pm https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/07/puberty-blockers-nhs-loophole-liz-truss-dr-hilary-cass/?mkt_tok=OTA3LU9EWS0wNTEAAAGSXeAYO8nQuveBd0MHt1_8DQ0PAiMhZbZ4ZNVvJ_Ybc5TIYFuS-KfArIXVTqTDzuUbMgT8qh7sj9XbmJAFVSuypipjBgwVbldx82RvuJRB3soc9ld7ng An NHS loophole allows puberty blockers to be prescribed to children who want to change gender despite the drugs being banned following a landmark review. Prescribing drugs that stop children from developing physically and neurologically was banned by the NHS last month following advice from an interim review led by Dr Hilary Cass, a leading consultant paediatrician. Her final review into care for children who want to change gender, which is due to…
How puberty blockers for teenagers became normalised in the NHS
Trusted organisations turned over leadership on gender identity to an American group with little evidence to back its ‘gold standard’ claims Lucy Bannerman Thursday March 14 2024, 6.00pm, The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/639545a5-9aea-4dca-a7b2-3ad522b05155?shareToken=c7f54397f1c51326653087476accb7cc Whistleblowers have been warning about the dangers of puberty blockers for years, but how did the experimental use of such controversial drugs become so quickly embedded at the heart of NHS policy? As a newly emerging and poorly understood area of medicine, the treatment of issues related to gender identity should have demanded more scientific interrogation, not less. Yet British health authorities appear to have outsourced leadership in this…
Clinical Policy: Puberty suppressing hormones – Puberty suppressing hormones (PSH) are not available as a routine commissioning treatment option for treatment of children and young people who have gender incongruence / gender dysphoria.
https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/clinical-policy-puberty-suppressing-hormones/ These documents may not be fully accessible to all users. If you require the information in a different format please email england.scengagement@nhs.net. https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/clinical-commissioning-policy-gender-affirming-hormones-v2.docx https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/evidence-review-gnrh-analogues-october-2020.pdf https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/psh-clinical-panel-report.pdf The results of the studies that reported impact on the critical outcomes of gender dysphoriaand mental health (depression, anger and anxiety), and the important outcomes of body imageand psychosocial impact (global and psychosocial functioning) in children and adolescentswith gender dysphoria are of very low certainty using modified GRADE. They suggest littlechange with GnRH analogues from baseline to follow-up.Studies that found differences in outcomes could represent changes that are either ofquestionable clinical value, or the…
At least 77 trans doctors have registered change of gender with GMC
Concerns that medics are being allowed to self-identify at will without further checks Charlotte Gill 10 February 2024 • 8:02pm https://web.archive.org/web/20240210214340/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/10/trans-doctors-register-change-gender/ At least 77 doctors have changed gender on the General Medical Council (GMC) register, The Telegraph can reveal. The figure, supplied by the GMC to Labour’s gender-critical Baroness Hayter, is for records since 2003 and has raised concerns that patients could be treated by medics of the opposite sex without their knowledge or consent. Just two of the 77 doctors have informed the GMC that they have obtained a UK Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), the document that provides legal recognition of the change. It…
Inside NHS England’s faltering plan to replace the Tavistock
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has been called on to rescue the opening of two new NHS gender identity services for children and young people. By Hannah Barnes https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2024/01/inside-nhs-englands-faltering-plan-to-replace-tavistock The NHS’s once flagship children’s gender clinic – the Gender Identity Development Service, or Gids, based at London’s Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust – has been earmarked for closure since July 2022. The decision followed a Care Quality Commission report that rated the service inadequate, and the interim findings of an independent review led by the paediatrician Hilary Cass of children’s gender identity services. Gids was supposed to have been…
EXCLUSIVE Tavistock scandal campaigners raise fears over £60k Department for Health and Social Care job to advise the NHS on puberty blockers for children policy – months after it pledged it would ban them
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12964273/job-advert-puberty-blockers-help-advise-distribution.html By DANYA BAZARAA PUBLISHED: 15:19, 15 January 2024 | UPDATED: 15:21, 15 January 2024 Questions have been raised over a new Civil Service job being advertised to help advise on the policy around puberty blockers for children – despite a decision over the summer to only prescribe the treatment as part of clinical research. The role is for a Policy Adviser in Gender Identity Services under the Department of Health and Social Care, with a salary of up to £62,909. As part of the job description, a candidate is expected to ‘work with NHSE to roll out their interim…
EXCLUSIVE: Leading womb transplant experts say it’s ‘medically possible’ for transgender women to have natural pregnancies – and they hope to offer procedure to trans couples in years
By EMILY JOSHU HEALTH REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 13:47, 17 August 2023 | UPDATED: 15:58, 17 August 2023 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12410117/Leading-womb-transplant-experts-say-medically-possible-transgender-women-natural-pregnancies-hope-offer-procedure-trans-couples-years.html Doctors pioneering womb transplants believe they are on the cusp of allowing transgender women to give birth to their own children. The team at the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB), became one of the first in the country to offer the medical procedure to hysterectomy patients and women born without wombs earlier this year. And they believe it is ‘medically possible’ to perform the procedure in trans women who were assigned male at birth but have had sex change surgery. Dr Paige Porrett, the lead surgeon at the Comprehensive Transplant Institute at UAB,…
Transgender ideology has created the biggest medical scandal of our generation
Story by Camilla Tominey Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a protest march for trans rights and to show their support for the Scottish gender reform bill, in central London, on January 21, 2022© Provided by The Telegraph I’m not sure what’s more offensive about Costa Coffee’s cartoon, featuring a young trans person who has had a double mastectomy. How many oak-milk matcha lattes must the snowflakes at Costa have drunk to come up with this orgy of wokery? You’d have to be freebasing frappuccinos to think the best way to prop up post-pandemic Americano sales is with a big…
Changing the Conversation – First Do No Harm
https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/members/rcpsych-insight-magazine/detail/rcpsych-insight-spring-2023 https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-source/members/rcpsych-insight-magazine/rcpsych-insight-23—spring-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=4c352910_6
Ukraine’s baby factories rake in record profits amid chaos of war
JEREMY LOFFREDO·JULY 28, 2023 While average Ukrainians suffer amid NATO’s proxy war against Russia, business is booming for the surrogate baby industry, which requires a steady supply of healthy but financially desperate women to lease their wombs to affluent foreigners. Surrogates “have to be from poorer places than our clients,” explained the medical director of Kiev’s largest “baby factory.” Ihor Pechonoha of the Swiss-based BioTexCom says the business model that has helped him build one of the most profitable surrogacy companies in the world is simple exploitation: “We are looking for women in the former Soviet republics because, logically, [the…
Scots gender equality campaigner has bank account closed by RBS after 32 years
NEWS By Giles Sheldrick Ben Borland Editor 16:42, 5 JUL 2023 Professor Lesley Sawers and her husband Allan McKechnie have been told she has a ‘mark against her name’, apparently as a result of her work on gender and LGBT issues Professor Lesley Sawers, the Equalities and Human Rights Commissioner for Scotland The crisis coursing through the banking sector has taken another twist after an equality campaigner and her husband were told their account was being closed. Professor Lesley Sawers, 64, the Equalities and Human Rights Commissioner for Scotland, has been a loyal customer for 32 years. But Prof Sawers and husband…
Kemi Badenoch: Diversity obsession has led to Kafkaesque madness
Kemi Badenoch Sunday July 30 2023, 12.01am BST, The Sunday Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/kemi-badenoch-banking-scandal-natwest-niigel-farage-wdp3mmq0w I became very uneasy reading this month that NatWest Group had closed the account of Professor Lesley Sawers. Why had this accomplished businesswoman, appointed an OBE for services to equalities and business, had her bank account closed after 25 years? Dr Sawers happens to sit on the board of the Equality and Human Rights Commission. The implication was that she had lost her account for speaking about contentious issues such as transgender rights and women-only spaces. Yet it’s her job to talk about these things. https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/uk-news/scots-gender-equality-campaigner-bank-30398305 The government…
Baroness Nicholson: ‘This movement isn’t for trans people – it is for liars who don’t need science’
ByHayley Dixon, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT 30 July 2023 • 6:00am https://archive.is/2023.07.30-052243/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/07/30/baroness-nicholson-this-movement-isnt-for-trans-people/#selection-2867.0-2885.24 The 81-year-old peer has backed many campaigns, but feels her fight for sex-based rights is one of the most important – and vitriolic She has stood up to the Taliban, exposed wrongdoing by Saddam Hussein and has even taken on Margaret Thatcher. So it was perhaps naive of trans activists to think that they could “cancel” Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne with a co-ordinated campaign of emails and Twitter insults. When we talk over tea in the canteen of the Houses of Parliament, the Tory peer reveals that over the past three years she has…
Born in Lancashire, but now a happy resident of Yorkshire. With over 25 years experience working in the Health, Social Care and Education Sector. Volunteering has been part of my life for over 30 years, all of my present pursuits are currently linked to my interests in Social Care and Education.
Jennifer Thetford-Kay
I have a very common sense approach and try to avoid jargon, wherever possible!
Former Registered Manager – Advanced Practitioner & Lecturer in Health & Social Care QTLS. Currently a Researcher, YouTube Educator & Creator for various organisations, Coach & Mentor.