Jennifer Thetford-Kay

Jennifer Thetford-Kay

Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster

This investigation concerns institutional responses to allegations of child sexual abuse and exploitation involving persons of public prominence who were associated with Westminster. Westminster is defined in this report as the centre of the United Kingdom’s government, government ministers and officials, as well as Parliament, its members and the political parties represented there. Seven topics were covered in evidence. These were: police misconduct, political parties, whips’ offices, the Paedophile Information Exchange, prosecutorial decisions, the honours system, and current safeguarding policies in government, Parliament and the political parties..................

The NHS is 75 years old today!

I fully support the idea of a National Health Service….. here is some history of how it came to be and where we are now: The Emergency Hospital Service (later Emergency Medical Service) was established at the outbreak of World War II in 1939, giving central government a right of direction over voluntary and municipal hospitals. The service was a loose alliance of separate organisations, working together to deal with a national emergency, but paved the way for separate and competing institutions to come together as part of the National Health Service.

A Brief Look at the History of Medicalising Sex & Gender — Part One

The first F-M sex-change operation in a transsexual patient, i.e. the construction of a penis (so-called phalloplasty), allegedly took place in the Netherlands in Arnhem in 1959–1960. The first university-based gender clinics operated in the United States from the early 1960s to approximately 1980. During this two-decade period, doctors and researchers would attempt to find a cause and a psychiatric treatment (i.e., a cure) for transsexuality. They would ultimately fail in this search for an aetiology/etiologic cause and would move toward surgical and hormonal treatments….

NHS England – Interim CAYPGI & Public Consultation

INTERIM SERVICE SPECIFICATION Interim Specialist Service for Children and Young People with Gender Incongruence The Service will provide care to children and young people, and their families, who express gender incongruence and who are likely to benefit from clinical support. The Service will adopt a holistic, multi-disciplinary integrated approach to assessing and responding to an individual’s needs in view of the range of co-presentations that may typically present in this patient cohort, and the range of complexities relating to gender identity development. The most appropriate clinical pathway in the best interests of the child or young person will be determined through an integrated multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach, fully involving the child or young person and their family................

Apotemnophilia, Paraphilia or Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), Dysphoria Resolved by Self-Amputation (GB 1992): Case-History 12-Year Follow-Up (2009) with Medical Ethical Issues— to 2023

READ ON MEDIUM HERE OR BELOW: Body integrity dysphoria (BID, also referred to as body integrity identity disorder, amputee identity disorder and xenomelia, formerly called apotemnophilia) REFERENCES: Mia @_CryMiaRiver Ottawa, Ontario & Jen @JenKTeach England, UK