In a time when the internet is so readily accessible and children have access. Why are schools pushing porn as “just something people do” and pushing gender ideology, alongside “sex positivity”! My statements were statements of fact. Yet this garnered attention from several women defending anal as “enjoyable”. So after several twitter debates – my response was simply:
For all the “sex positive” brigade out here calling me a Victorian prude for pointing out that anal sex can cause physical damage to girls, many of whom are coerced through online porn culture – which our lives are currently saturated in – and the lives of teenagers are!
Grow Up! – You sound like the little children calling girls frigid in the 1960’s for having the audacity to say NO! Or the 1980’s for not wanting to kiss with tongues at age 10!
Don’t tell me stating facts won’t address the issues around harmful and violent porn! YOU advocating for “anything goes” is hardly preventing young girls from developing eating disorders, wanting to transition out of womanhood or living a life of anxiety in fear of what they may have to do in a relationship!
SO YES – I like the majority of the population DO not think being punched in the face, having hair pulled, being tied up and humiliated – being urinated on or men ejaculating in your face are “cool”
I think intimate, caring, loving sex between two people who love each other – or at least respect each other is cool!
Well in order to redress the balance I tweeted out some FACTS about the actual harm anal sex can cause:
Ok, time for some necessary, but graphic facts: please stop trying to normalise pornographic depictions of female sex! Women’s anatomy is not designed for anal sex:
Having anal sex, thinking you can’t get pregnant is a myth, if semen gets near the opening of your vagina during anal sex, you could very well get pregnant.
Serious injury from anal sex can easily happen, the more exposure to anal trauma, the greater the risk. Bleeding afterward could be due to a hemorrhoid or tear, or something more serious such as a perforation (hole) in the colon. This is a dangerous problem that needs medical attention right away.
Anal sex also increases your chance of getting an anal fissure. A fissure is a split in the tissue of your anus The lining of the anus is thinner than the vagina, and it lacks natural lubrication. That makes it much more vulnerable to tearing. Even with the use of lubricants tears are common, as lubricants do no prevent them.
Tears can allow viruses and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This can include sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV. Studies have suggested that receptive anal exposure to HIV poses a much higher risk for the receptive partner than vaginal exposure – 17-18 times greater.
Anal intercourse can also boost the risk of getting (HPV) the human papillomavirus. HPV may also lead to the development of anal warts and anal cancer. The tissue inside the anus is not as well-protected as the skin outside the anus. Our external tissue has layers of dead cells that serve as a protective barrier against infection. The tissue inside the anus doesn’t have this natural protection, which leaves it vulnerable to tearing and the spread of infection.
The anus was designed to hold in feces. The anus is surrounded with a ring-like muscle, called the anal sphincter, which tightens after we have a bowel movement. When the muscle is tight, anal penetration can be painful and difficult.
Repetitive anal sex may weaken the anal sphincter, making it difficult to hold in feces until you can get to the toilet. Often leading to serious issues with faecal incontinence.
Your rectum is the last part of your large intestine (bowel). If you have a rectal prolapse, your rectum isn’t kept in place inside your body as it usually is.
Full-thickness (complete) rectal prolapse. This is when the entire thickness of the wall of your rectum slides out. Partial or mucosal prolapse. This is when just the lining (mucosa) of your rectum slides down inside your rectum and comes out. Internal rectal prolapse. This is when the lining of your rectum slides down inside your rectum but doesn’t reach as far as your anus. This is also known as an internal intussusception.
If you have a rectal prolapse, the most obvious symptom is having a lump or swelling coming out of your anus. At first, you may only notice this after you’ve had a poo – it may go away when you stand up. But if your prolapse gets worse, it may also happen when you strain. For instance, it may happen when you cough or sneeze and when you’re walking or standing up. It may then end up being there all the time.
Other symptoms of a rectal prolapse may include:
being unable to control when you poo – you might not be able to hold it in until you reach the toilet (this is due to stretching of the muscles around your anus) constipation – feeling like you’re unable to have a poo having bright red blood coming from your rectum slimy mucus coming from your rectum, which can be constant and need a pad to stop underwear getting wet feeling discomfort or pain
Not so “sexy” after all! The fear around talking about this, if often shame or not wanting to be seen as homophobic. Facts of female anatomy are just facts. We are not the same as males. It’s not hateful or phobic to inform people, especially considering the increase in young girls being pressured into taking part in anal sex!
But AM I right…..? Below are some articles on the matter – note some are factual, some are opinion and some are ideological in nature (feel free to make up your own mind) But The risks are real and girls should not be led to believe that it is a risk free experience OR that they wrong for saying NO! Most women say NO, for very good reason!




