The Paedophile Information Exchange: Timeline of press cuttings 1975-2014 & brief history

Brief history & Press cutting linked to PIE: The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984. The group campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent. It was described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organisation of people who trade obscene material".

18th-25th January 1975: Letters regarding the Albany Trust’s links with PIE (The Times)

26th August 1975: Child-lovers win fight for role in Gay Lib (The Guardian)

26th August 1975: Legalise child sex – call (Sheffield Morning Telegraph)

28th August-15th September 1975: Guardian ‘London Letter’ column on PIE and related correspondence (The Guardian)

November 1975: ‘Evidence on the law relating to and penalties for certain sexual offences involving children – For The Home Office Criminal Law Revision Committee’ aka ‘The PIE manifesto’

22nd January 1976: Who really wants a change in the age of consent? (The Times)

Spring 1976: ‘Paedophile Politics’ (Gay Left)

19th May 1977: Adults only (The Guardian)

4th February 1977: Blackmail after man applied to join paedophile organization (The Times)

24th August 1977: Mirror comment – For adults only (Daily Mirror)

27th August 1977: Conference ban puts paedophile group further into cold (The Guardian)

28th August 1977: Dutch MP backs child sex (The Guardian)

30th August 1977: Paedophile talks backed by homosexuals (The Times)

1st September 1977: Paedophile conference plans ‘age of consent’ meeting (The Guardian)

4th September 1977: Britain ‘intolerant’ on child sex (The Observer)

9th September 1977: Priest’s child sex views repudiated (The Guardian)

20th September 1977: Fury of the mothers (Daily Mirror)

24th September 1977: Gays join PIE fight (The Guardian)

16th December 1977: Row over cash for paedophiles (Daily Mirror)

16th December 1977: Grants ‘help child sex group’ (The Guardian)

20th December 1977: Guardian praised despite erring (The Guardian)

25th January 1978: Musician jailed on charges over pornography (Daily Mail)

1st April 1978: Judge slams child sex ring (Daily Express)

1st April 1978: ‘Sinister’ sex group rapped (Daily Mirror)

11th June 1978: They just don’t give a damn (News of the World)

18th June 1978: Child sex leaders raided (Sunday Express)

25th June 1978: Why a school sacked the nastiest man in Britain (News of the World)

11th July 1978: Dishonoured: the shame of a viscount’s son who turned from porn books to child sex (Daily Express)

7th November 1978: Reporter held (Daily Mail)

24th June 1979: Poisonous PIEmen are at it again (News of the World)

18th November 1979: We trapped little boy’s evil friend (News of the World)

November 1980: The Beast of Berlin (Private Eye)

21st January 1981: Child sex group ‘is a force for evil’ (Daily Mail)

25th January 1981: Police swooped over our story on the PIE men (News of the World)

27th January 1981: Paedophile book earns lecturer’s praise (The Guardian)

February 1981: The Beast of Berlin (2) (Private Eye)

1st February 1981: PIE men retrial (Daily Mirror)

1st March 1981: PIE men face sex charge (News of the World)

7th March 1981: ‘Child porn exchanged’ (The Guardian)

14th March 1981: Why the DPP resurrected an ancient law to deal with paedophiles (The Guardian)

15th March 1981: Whitelaw quiz on envoy’s links with the child sex men (News of the World)

16th March 1981: Why we did not prosecute (Daily Mail)

16th March 1981: ‘Don’t name porn envoy’ (The New Standard)

16th March 1981: Tory MP threatens to name ex-diplomat mentioned in sex trial (The Times)

17th March 1981: Child-sex diary of a diplomat (Daily Mail)

17th March 1981: MP determined to name diplomat over child pornography case (The Guardian)

17th March 1981: MP is defiant over naming diplomat (The Times)

17th March 1981: Paedophile case diplomat would have faced purge (The Times)

18th March 1981: MP names man in child sex case (Daily Mail)

18th March 1981: I will name the porn case envoy today (Daily Express)

18th March 1981: MP defies porn case plea (Daily Mirror)

18th March 1981: Shame of the ‘porn’ envoy (The New Standard)

18th March 1981: Diplomat referred to in sex trial named today (The Times)

19th March 1981: I will name more names (Daily Express)

19th March 1981: MP in porn name storm (Daily Mail)

19th March 1981: Rap for MP who named envoy (Daily Mirror)

19th March 1981: Secret shame of Mr Perfect (Daily Mirror)

19th March 1981: ‘Porn’ envoy: Havers replies (The New Standard)

19th March 1981: MP’s questions anger Hayman solicitor (The Times)

19th March 1981: Mr Steel says naming diplomat may be abuse of privilege (The Times)

20th March 1981: How Sir Peter was kept out of the PIE trial (The Guardian)

20th March 1981: Havers defends non-prosecution (The Guardian)

20th March 1981: Text of MP’s questions on envoy and replies by Ministers (The Guardian)

20th March 1981: Law chief tells of ‘an obsession with child-torture’ (The Sun)

20th March 1981: My flat’s been bugged, he says (The Sun)

20th March 1981: Sir Peter ‘not in blackmail plot’ (The Sun)

20th March 1981: Attorney General’s full answer to question on Sir Peter Hayman (The Times)

20th March 1981: Ex-diplomat was not blackmailed or pressurized, solicitor says (The Times)

20th March 1981: Sir Peter and Mr Henderson (The Times)

21st March 1981: The double life of Sir Peter Hayman (The Times)

22nd March 1981: Child sex ring goes back into business (News of the World)

22nd March 1981: Filth behind a box number (News of the World)

22nd March 1981: This dreadful web of child corruption (News of the World)

22nd March 1981: Conspiracy, morals and lynch law (The Observer)

22nd March 1981: John Junor – Current Events (Sunday Express)

22nd March 1981: How PIE gets a cut of public money (Sunday People)

22nd March 1981: Scandalous: The cover-up in high places (Sunday People)

22nd March 1981: Top people escape child porn scandal (Sunday People)

23rd March 1981: Child sex sect gets new boss (Daily Mirror)

24th March 1981: MP ‘ready for gaol’ to protect source (The Guardian)

24th March 1981: Hayman MP defiant over source (The Times)

25th March 1981: Paedophile ban call (The Guardian)

26th March 1981: The questions unanswered in the Hayman case (The Times)

29th March 1981: MP’s fury at child porn for patients (News of the World)

7th April 1981: Havers denies special treatment for Hayman (The Guardian)

7th April 1981: Why Sir Peter Hayman was not named (The Times)

9th April: Letter regarding mental health charity MIND’s links with PIE (The Times)

20th April 1981: Village split as Sir Peter returns (Sunday Express)

25th July 1981: Teacher’s sex case ‘tragedy’ (Daily Mail)

25th July 1981: Teacher convicted of sex offences ‘can still teach’ (The Guardian)

20th September 1981: Classroom corrupters (News of the World)

20th December 1981: Vice link-up of the child sex beasts (News of the World)

20th March 1982: Clifford Hindley retires (Community Care)

18th July 1982: Police killer in sex spy probe (News of the World)

21st July 1982: Computer men to probe spy ‘leak’ (Daily Mail)

21st July 1982: Thatcher’s guarded security statement (The Times)

23rd July 1982: Tom O’Carroll released after 16 months in jail (Capital Gay)

15th August 1982: Child-sex boss in Whitehall shock (News of the World)

21st August 1982: Child sex spy tells all (Daily Star)

21st August 1982: Secrets of the PIE men (Daily Star)

23rd August 1982: Ban the PIE men (Daily Star)

3rd September 1982: College principal tells how he spied on PIE (The Guardian)

24th September 1982: Letter – A lust too gross to allow (The Guardian)

12th November 1982: Prime had links with child sex group (Daily Mail)

16th November 1982: MPs continue to press for debate on Prime affair (The Guardian)

27th November 1982: Another mystery death (Daily Express)

16th December 1982: MPs foiled on Prime debate (Daily Mail)

1982: PIE member Geoffrey Prime complains to the Press Council about the News of the World’s allegations (Press Council)

1982/1983: Sir Michael Havers complains to the Press Council about the Sun’s Geoffrey Prime allegations (Press Council)

1983: Interview with Steven Smith and Peter Bremner (BBC)

9th January 1983: Scare over sex-club spy (News of the World)

16th January 1983: Five get a rocket over Prime spy files (News of the World)

6th February 1983: PIE men are slammed (News of the World)

27th February 1983: Evil menace to children (Sunday People)

19th June 1983: Twisted lusts of TV stars (News of the World)

22nd June 1983: Scoutmaster quits (Daily Mail)

24th June 1983: Church man in sex row (Daily Mirror)

20th August 1983: Outlaw evil child-sex peddlers (Daily Mail)

22nd August 1983: God help our little children (Daily Express)

22nd August 1983: The Sun and Sir Michael (The Sun)

22nd August 1983: The Sun has to withdraw its allegations about Geoffrey Prime (The Times)

23rd August 1983: Child sex: MP ready to expose famous names (Daily Express)

23rd August 1983: ‘Ban PIE’ call (Daily Telegraph)

23rd August 1983: Dickens’ threat to reveal names (Huddersfield Daily Examiner)

23rd August 1983: Ban child sex cult urges angry MP (The Sun)

23rd August 1983: MP seeks to ban child sex group (The Times)

24th August 1983: Child sex: Yard set to hand over names (Daily Express)

24th August 1983: Sex with children: DPP gets names (Daily Mail)

24th August 1983: No stopping men of evil (Daily Star)

24th August 1983: Why evil group won’t be banned (Daily Star)

24th August 1983: ‘Why the Yard acted on PIE’ (The Standard)

24th August 1983: Telephone caller says he knows one of the men who assaulted boy (The Times)

25th August 1983: Eight top names on my list of shame (Daily Express)

25th August 1983: Sir Peter is unscathed by scandal (Daily Express)

25th August 1983: 15 men named in child sex report (Daily Mail)

25th August 1983: Peril of a child sex club ban (Daily Mirror)

25th August 1983: Brittan wants paedophile report (Daily Telegraph)

25th August 1983: Public figures named in files on sex offenders in Britain (The Globe and Mail, Canada)

25th August 1983: Scotland Yard sends two new reports on PIE to ministers (The Guardian)

25th August 1983: Confessions of the ‘child sex’ men (The Standard)

26th August 1983: The shocking truth about PIE (Daily Express)

26th August 1983: The men who want to make sex with children legal (Daily Mail)

26th August 1983: Yard sends child sex file to DPP (Daily Mirror)

26th August 1983: Kinky child cult wins new recruits (The Sun)

26th August 1983: You scum! (The Sun)

27th August 1983: Ministry in child sex link (Daily Star)

28th August 1983: The nasty nine (News of the World)

28th August 1983: They even snare kids of four (News of the World)

28th August 1983: Child sex and a VIP (Sunday Mirror)

28th August 1983: ‘Curb child sex’ bid (Sunday Mirror)

28th August 1983: Top people shield the child sex VIPs (Sunday People)

28th August 1983: What we exposed and they ignored (Sunday People)

29th August 1983: Law boss pledges war on child sex (Daily Star)

29th August 1983: PIE has right to speak, say gays (The Guardian)

30th August 1983: Public anger after attack on 6-year-old boy – Child-sex group’s leaders step out of the shadows (The Canberra Times)

30th August 1983: MPs named in child sex smear bid (Daily Mail)

30th August 1983: Envoys in child sex quiz (Daily Star)

31st August 1983: Brittan studies child-sex report (Daily Express)

31st August 1983: Child sex report studied (Daily Telegraph)

31st August 1983: Government ‘apathy’ on PIE criticized (The Times)

1st September 1983: The men of evil (Daily Star)

2nd September 1983: Child sex fiends face new purge – but Brittan goes one step at a time (Daily Express)

2nd September 1983: A whimper from Brittan (Daily Express)

2nd September 1983: Child abuse: Brittan orders police review (Daily Mail)

2nd September 1983: PIE’s views defended (Daily Mail)

2nd September 1983: Brittan is ready to tame the perverts (Daily Star)

2nd September 1983: PIE links with rights group (Daily Star)

2nd September 1983: Brittan seeks expertise on child assault cases (The Guardian)

2nd September 1983: Minister condemns paedophile views (The Times)

3rd September 1983: MPs on ‘child sex mailing list’ (Daily Express)

4th September 1983: PIE account closed (The Observer)

5th September 1983: Child-sex purge ‘scares top men’ (Daily Express)

9th September 1983: Child sex men charged (Daily Mirror)

10th September 1983: ‘Bastards’ fury at a child sex court case (Daily Mirror)

10th September 1983: 3 charged with sex offences (The Guardian)

30th September 1983: CHE steps up support for PIE (Capital Gay)

3rd November 1983: Police guarding home of Tory MP (The Guardian)

4th November 1983: Stalls are down on PIE (Islington Gazette)

24th November 1983: MP alleges paedophilia at palace (The Times)

25th November 1983: Two year cover-up on dirty pictures (Daily Express)

25th November 1983: Palace link in child sex scandal (Daily Express)

25th November 1983: Vice ring at the palace, says MP (Daily Mail)

2nd December 1983: Sex crusade Tory MP’s office raided (Daily Mail)

9th December 1983: Home Office orders police visit (Capital Gay)

16th December 1983: PIE-probe police visit another activist (Capital Gay)

15th January 1984: Row over Palace vice ‘cover-up’ (News of the World)

19th January 1984: MP hands over shock report on child sex (Daily Mirror)

19th January: Dickens’ Dossier (Huddersfield Daily Examiner)

20th January 1984: TV chief is named in child sex probe (Daily Express)

25th March 1984: Evil secret of a Scots address (Sunday Mail)

15th June 1984: ‘Child sex link’ man sues for £20,000 (Capital Gay)

28th June 1984: Resistance at top – MP (The Guardian)

28th June 1984: Bill to curb sexual abuse of children (The Times)

24th August 1984: Two years’ jail for paedophile (The Times)

16th September 1984: Child sex trial man flees (The People)

18th September 1984: Catch the PIE man! (Daily Star)

17th October 1984: PIE man: legal move (The Guardian)

19th October 1984: Paedophile group disbands (Capital Gay)

19th October 1984: PIE extradition (The Times)

November 1984: Guilty men who back child sex (Daily Star)

7th November 1984: Master spy head ‘traps men in child sex group (Daily Express)

7th November 1984: Child sex ring’s ‘Home Office link’ (Evening Standard)

7th November 1984: Leader of child sex group misses trial (The Guardian)

8th November 1984: Home Office phone link alleged in child sex case (The Guardian)

14th November 1984: Paedophile leaders cleared of child sex offence incitement (The Guardian)

14th November 1984: Fury over verdicts on child sex trio (Daily Express)

14th November 1984: Child sex boss escapes trial (Daily Mirror)

14th November 1984: Paedophile chiefs are cleared of main charges (Daily Telegraph)

14th November 1984: Jail fear of child sex men (Evening Standard)

14th November 1984: Child-sex pair cleared as MP slams law (The Sun)

15th November 1984: All-male jury is rapped (Daily Express)

15th November 1984: Child-sex men fear jail revenge (Daily Express)

15th November 1984: Child sex men face jail fury (Daily Mirror)

15th November 1984: ‘Tough time’ ahead in jail for paedophile chiefs (Daily Telegraph)

15th November 1984: Leaders of paedophile group are sent to jail (The Times)

17th November 1984: PIE man on child porn charges (The Guardian)

19th November 1984: Child sex group ‘has folded’ (The Guardian)

25th November 1984: Dutch delay decision on Briton’s extradition (Daily Telegraph)

28th November 1984: PIE extradition ruling delayed by Dutch (The Times)

5th December 1984: Alan Rusbridger’s diary (The Guardian)

January 1985: Extradition move on child sex man dropped (Daily Telegraph)

7th July 1985: Evil PIE boss in a child care scandal (News of the World)

29th December 1987: Porn group tries to link up with child charity (The Sunday Times)

25th January 1990: Two face child porn charges (Islington Gazette)

1st August 1990: ‘Snuff’ video outrage…but nothing stops the monsters (Daily Star)

16th December 1991: Child porn man who fled is jailed seven years later (Evening Standard)

17th December 1991: Pervert jailed (Daily Mirror)

23rd April 1992: ‘Wicked’ doctor took dirty pictures of young boys (Islington Gazette)

17th September 1992: Child care expert fined over photos of naked boys (The Independent)

6th May 1993: Country house hideaway of disgraced care chief (Evening Standard)

21st February 1994: Parents call for public inquiry over sex abuse skipper (Press Association)

24th February 1994: An abuse of trust (Daily Mail)

3rd March 1994: Social work team claims to have found nationwide paedophile ring (Care Weekly)

27th May 1994: Silence that cloaked child sex conspiracy (Evening Standard)

1st June 1994: Shadow of the attic (The Guardian)

9th September 1994: Police arrest child care chief (Daily Mail)

10th November 1994: Lecturer held (The Independent)

9th March 1997: These men are the child sex abusers (The Observer)

6th July 1997: Paedophile list set up by gay rights leader (The Sunday Times)

2nd June 1998: The epidemic in our midst that went unnoticed (The Guardian)

8th October 2000: Home truths (The Independent on Sunday)

28th October 2000: The web of pure evil (Daily Mail)

9th September 2001: Inquiry into researcher’s links with paedophiles (Mail on Sunday)

10th September 2001: University investigates PhD student’s internet links with paedophiles (The Scotsman)

15th September 2002: Scandal of pervert on top legal panel (Sunday Express)

10th February 2003: Under cover in suburbia, the master spy living off the state he betrayed (Daily Mail)

17th March 2004: The police child porn expert…exposed as a paedophile (Daily Mirror)

17th March 2004: Child porn ‘expert’ jailed for abusing young girls (The Guardian)

21st December 2006: The porn vault (Daily Mirror)

17th August 2007: ‘I hate him for what he did to my girl. He’s evil’ (Leicester Mercury)

2010/2011: Annual report (Campaign for Homosexual Equality)

19th April 2013: Tom Watson’s letter to Theresa May

25th March 2014: Teachers ‘abused boys at Osborne’s old school’ + second article + third article (The Times)

28th March 2014: Boys punished for telling of abuse by teacher (The Times)