18th-25th January 1975: Letters regarding the Albany Trust’s links with PIE (The Times)
26th August 1975: Child-lovers win fight for role in Gay Lib (The Guardian)
26th August 1975: Legalise child sex – call (Sheffield Morning Telegraph)
28th August-15th September 1975: Guardian ‘London Letter’ column on PIE and related correspondence (The Guardian)
22nd January 1976: Who really wants a change in the age of consent? (The Times)
Spring 1976: ‘Paedophile Politics’ (Gay Left)
19th May 1977: Adults only (The Guardian)
4th February 1977: Blackmail after man applied to join paedophile organization (The Times)
24th August 1977: Mirror comment – For adults only (Daily Mirror)
27th August 1977: Conference ban puts paedophile group further into cold (The Guardian)
28th August 1977: Dutch MP backs child sex (The Guardian)
30th August 1977: Paedophile talks backed by homosexuals (The Times)
1st September 1977: Paedophile conference plans ‘age of consent’ meeting (The Guardian)
4th September 1977: Britain ‘intolerant’ on child sex (The Observer)
9th September 1977: Priest’s child sex views repudiated (The Guardian)
20th September 1977: Fury of the mothers (Daily Mirror)
24th September 1977: Gays join PIE fight (The Guardian)
16th December 1977: Row over cash for paedophiles (Daily Mirror)
16th December 1977: Grants ‘help child sex group’ (The Guardian)
20th December 1977: Guardian praised despite erring (The Guardian)
25th January 1978: Musician jailed on charges over pornography (Daily Mail)
1st April 1978: Judge slams child sex ring (Daily Express)
1st April 1978: ‘Sinister’ sex group rapped (Daily Mirror)
11th June 1978: They just don’t give a damn (News of the World)
18th June 1978: Child sex leaders raided (Sunday Express)
25th June 1978: Why a school sacked the nastiest man in Britain (News of the World)
11th July 1978: Dishonoured: the shame of a viscount’s son who turned from porn books to child sex (Daily Express)
7th November 1978: Reporter held (Daily Mail)
24th June 1979: Poisonous PIEmen are at it again (News of the World)
18th November 1979: We trapped little boy’s evil friend (News of the World)
November 1980: The Beast of Berlin (Private Eye)
21st January 1981: Child sex group ‘is a force for evil’ (Daily Mail)
25th January 1981: Police swooped over our story on the PIE men (News of the World)
27th January 1981: Paedophile book earns lecturer’s praise (The Guardian)
February 1981: The Beast of Berlin (2) (Private Eye)
1st February 1981: PIE men retrial (Daily Mirror)
1st March 1981: PIE men face sex charge (News of the World)
7th March 1981: ‘Child porn exchanged’ (The Guardian)
14th March 1981: Why the DPP resurrected an ancient law to deal with paedophiles (The Guardian)
15th March 1981: Whitelaw quiz on envoy’s links with the child sex men (News of the World)
16th March 1981: Why we did not prosecute (Daily Mail)
16th March 1981: ‘Don’t name porn envoy’ (The New Standard)
16th March 1981: Tory MP threatens to name ex-diplomat mentioned in sex trial (The Times)
17th March 1981: Child-sex diary of a diplomat (Daily Mail)
17th March 1981: MP determined to name diplomat over child pornography case (The Guardian)
17th March 1981: MP is defiant over naming diplomat (The Times)
17th March 1981: Paedophile case diplomat would have faced purge (The Times)
18th March 1981: MP names man in child sex case (Daily Mail)
18th March 1981: I will name the porn case envoy today (Daily Express)
18th March 1981: MP defies porn case plea (Daily Mirror)
18th March 1981: Shame of the ‘porn’ envoy (The New Standard)
18th March 1981: Diplomat referred to in sex trial named today (The Times)
19th March 1981: I will name more names (Daily Express)
19th March 1981: MP in porn name storm (Daily Mail)
19th March 1981: Rap for MP who named envoy (Daily Mirror)
19th March 1981: Secret shame of Mr Perfect (Daily Mirror)
19th March 1981: ‘Porn’ envoy: Havers replies (The New Standard)
19th March 1981: MP’s questions anger Hayman solicitor (The Times)
19th March 1981: Mr Steel says naming diplomat may be abuse of privilege (The Times)
20th March 1981: How Sir Peter was kept out of the PIE trial (The Guardian)
20th March 1981: Havers defends non-prosecution (The Guardian)
20th March 1981: Text of MP’s questions on envoy and replies by Ministers (The Guardian)
20th March 1981: Law chief tells of ‘an obsession with child-torture’ (The Sun)
20th March 1981: My flat’s been bugged, he says (The Sun)
20th March 1981: Sir Peter ‘not in blackmail plot’ (The Sun)
20th March 1981: Attorney General’s full answer to question on Sir Peter Hayman (The Times)
20th March 1981: Ex-diplomat was not blackmailed or pressurized, solicitor says (The Times)
20th March 1981: Sir Peter and Mr Henderson (The Times)
21st March 1981: The double life of Sir Peter Hayman (The Times)
22nd March 1981: Child sex ring goes back into business (News of the World)
22nd March 1981: Filth behind a box number (News of the World)
22nd March 1981: This dreadful web of child corruption (News of the World)
22nd March 1981: Conspiracy, morals and lynch law (The Observer)
22nd March 1981: John Junor – Current Events (Sunday Express)
22nd March 1981: How PIE gets a cut of public money (Sunday People)
22nd March 1981: Scandalous: The cover-up in high places (Sunday People)
22nd March 1981: Top people escape child porn scandal (Sunday People)
23rd March 1981: Child sex sect gets new boss (Daily Mirror)
24th March 1981: MP ‘ready for gaol’ to protect source (The Guardian)
24th March 1981: Hayman MP defiant over source (The Times)
25th March 1981: Paedophile ban call (The Guardian)
26th March 1981: The questions unanswered in the Hayman case (The Times)
29th March 1981: MP’s fury at child porn for patients (News of the World)
7th April 1981: Havers denies special treatment for Hayman (The Guardian)
7th April 1981: Why Sir Peter Hayman was not named (The Times)
9th April: Letter regarding mental health charity MIND’s links with PIE (The Times)
20th April 1981: Village split as Sir Peter returns (Sunday Express)
25th July 1981: Teacher’s sex case ‘tragedy’ (Daily Mail)
25th July 1981: Teacher convicted of sex offences ‘can still teach’ (The Guardian)
20th September 1981: Classroom corrupters (News of the World)
20th December 1981: Vice link-up of the child sex beasts (News of the World)
20th March 1982: Clifford Hindley retires (Community Care)
18th July 1982: Police killer in sex spy probe (News of the World)
21st July 1982: Computer men to probe spy ‘leak’ (Daily Mail)
21st July 1982: Thatcher’s guarded security statement (The Times)
23rd July 1982: Tom O’Carroll released after 16 months in jail (Capital Gay)
15th August 1982: Child-sex boss in Whitehall shock (News of the World)
21st August 1982: Child sex spy tells all (Daily Star)
21st August 1982: Secrets of the PIE men (Daily Star)
23rd August 1982: Ban the PIE men (Daily Star)
3rd September 1982: College principal tells how he spied on PIE (The Guardian)
24th September 1982: Letter – A lust too gross to allow (The Guardian)
12th November 1982: Prime had links with child sex group (Daily Mail)
16th November 1982: MPs continue to press for debate on Prime affair (The Guardian)
27th November 1982: Another mystery death (Daily Express)
16th December 1982: MPs foiled on Prime debate (Daily Mail)
1982: PIE member Geoffrey Prime complains to the Press Council about the News of the World’s allegations (Press Council)
1982/1983: Sir Michael Havers complains to the Press Council about the Sun’s Geoffrey Prime allegations (Press Council)
1983: Interview with Steven Smith and Peter Bremner (BBC)
9th January 1983: Scare over sex-club spy (News of the World)
16th January 1983: Five get a rocket over Prime spy files (News of the World)
6th February 1983: PIE men are slammed (News of the World)
27th February 1983: Evil menace to children (Sunday People)
19th June 1983: Twisted lusts of TV stars (News of the World)
22nd June 1983: Scoutmaster quits (Daily Mail)
24th June 1983: Church man in sex row (Daily Mirror)
20th August 1983: Outlaw evil child-sex peddlers (Daily Mail)
22nd August 1983: God help our little children (Daily Express)
22nd August 1983: The Sun and Sir Michael (The Sun)
22nd August 1983: The Sun has to withdraw its allegations about Geoffrey Prime (The Times)
23rd August 1983: Child sex: MP ready to expose famous names (Daily Express)
23rd August 1983: ‘Ban PIE’ call (Daily Telegraph)
23rd August 1983: Dickens’ threat to reveal names (Huddersfield Daily Examiner)
23rd August 1983: Ban child sex cult urges angry MP (The Sun)
23rd August 1983: MP seeks to ban child sex group (The Times)
24th August 1983: Child sex: Yard set to hand over names (Daily Express)
24th August 1983: Sex with children: DPP gets names (Daily Mail)
24th August 1983: No stopping men of evil (Daily Star)
24th August 1983: Why evil group won’t be banned (Daily Star)
24th August 1983: ‘Why the Yard acted on PIE’ (The Standard)
24th August 1983: Telephone caller says he knows one of the men who assaulted boy (The Times)
25th August 1983: Eight top names on my list of shame (Daily Express)
25th August 1983: Sir Peter is unscathed by scandal (Daily Express)
25th August 1983: 15 men named in child sex report (Daily Mail)
25th August 1983: Peril of a child sex club ban (Daily Mirror)
25th August 1983: Brittan wants paedophile report (Daily Telegraph)
25th August 1983: Public figures named in files on sex offenders in Britain (The Globe and Mail, Canada)
25th August 1983: Scotland Yard sends two new reports on PIE to ministers (The Guardian)
25th August 1983: Confessions of the ‘child sex’ men (The Standard)
26th August 1983: The shocking truth about PIE (Daily Express)
26th August 1983: The men who want to make sex with children legal (Daily Mail)
26th August 1983: Yard sends child sex file to DPP (Daily Mirror)
26th August 1983: Kinky child cult wins new recruits (The Sun)
26th August 1983: You scum! (The Sun)
27th August 1983: Ministry in child sex link (Daily Star)
28th August 1983: The nasty nine (News of the World)
28th August 1983: They even snare kids of four (News of the World)
28th August 1983: Child sex and a VIP (Sunday Mirror)
28th August 1983: ‘Curb child sex’ bid (Sunday Mirror)
28th August 1983: Top people shield the child sex VIPs (Sunday People)
28th August 1983: What we exposed and they ignored (Sunday People)
29th August 1983: Law boss pledges war on child sex (Daily Star)
29th August 1983: PIE has right to speak, say gays (The Guardian)
30th August 1983: Public anger after attack on 6-year-old boy – Child-sex group’s leaders step out of the shadows (The Canberra Times)
30th August 1983: MPs named in child sex smear bid (Daily Mail)
30th August 1983: Envoys in child sex quiz (Daily Star)
31st August 1983: Brittan studies child-sex report (Daily Express)
31st August 1983: Child sex report studied (Daily Telegraph)
31st August 1983: Government ‘apathy’ on PIE criticized (The Times)
1st September 1983: The men of evil (Daily Star)
2nd September 1983: Child sex fiends face new purge – but Brittan goes one step at a time (Daily Express)
2nd September 1983: A whimper from Brittan (Daily Express)
2nd September 1983: Child abuse: Brittan orders police review (Daily Mail)
2nd September 1983: PIE’s views defended (Daily Mail)
2nd September 1983: Brittan is ready to tame the perverts (Daily Star)
2nd September 1983: PIE links with rights group (Daily Star)
2nd September 1983: Brittan seeks expertise on child assault cases (The Guardian)
2nd September 1983: Minister condemns paedophile views (The Times)
3rd September 1983: MPs on ‘child sex mailing list’ (Daily Express)
4th September 1983: PIE account closed (The Observer)
5th September 1983: Child-sex purge ‘scares top men’ (Daily Express)
9th September 1983: Child sex men charged (Daily Mirror)
10th September 1983: ‘Bastards’ fury at a child sex court case (Daily Mirror)
10th September 1983: 3 charged with sex offences (The Guardian)
30th September 1983: CHE steps up support for PIE (Capital Gay)
3rd November 1983: Police guarding home of Tory MP (The Guardian)
4th November 1983: Stalls are down on PIE (Islington Gazette)
24th November 1983: MP alleges paedophilia at palace (The Times)
25th November 1983: Two year cover-up on dirty pictures (Daily Express)
25th November 1983: Palace link in child sex scandal (Daily Express)
25th November 1983: Vice ring at the palace, says MP (Daily Mail)
2nd December 1983: Sex crusade Tory MP’s office raided (Daily Mail)
9th December 1983: Home Office orders police visit (Capital Gay)
16th December 1983: PIE-probe police visit another activist (Capital Gay)
15th January 1984: Row over Palace vice ‘cover-up’ (News of the World)
19th January 1984: MP hands over shock report on child sex (Daily Mirror)
19th January: Dickens’ Dossier (Huddersfield Daily Examiner)
20th January 1984: TV chief is named in child sex probe (Daily Express)
25th March 1984: Evil secret of a Scots address (Sunday Mail)
15th June 1984: ‘Child sex link’ man sues for £20,000 (Capital Gay)
28th June 1984: Resistance at top – MP (The Guardian)
28th June 1984: Bill to curb sexual abuse of children (The Times)
24th August 1984: Two years’ jail for paedophile (The Times)
16th September 1984: Child sex trial man flees (The People)
18th September 1984: Catch the PIE man! (Daily Star)
17th October 1984: PIE man: legal move (The Guardian)
19th October 1984: Paedophile group disbands (Capital Gay)
19th October 1984: PIE extradition (The Times)
November 1984: Guilty men who back child sex (Daily Star)
7th November 1984: Master spy head ‘traps men in child sex group (Daily Express)
7th November 1984: Child sex ring’s ‘Home Office link’ (Evening Standard)
7th November 1984: Leader of child sex group misses trial (The Guardian)
8th November 1984: Home Office phone link alleged in child sex case (The Guardian)
14th November 1984: Paedophile leaders cleared of child sex offence incitement (The Guardian)
14th November 1984: Fury over verdicts on child sex trio (Daily Express)
14th November 1984: Child sex boss escapes trial (Daily Mirror)
14th November 1984: Paedophile chiefs are cleared of main charges (Daily Telegraph)
14th November 1984: Jail fear of child sex men (Evening Standard)
14th November 1984: Child-sex pair cleared as MP slams law (The Sun)
15th November 1984: All-male jury is rapped (Daily Express)
15th November 1984: Child-sex men fear jail revenge (Daily Express)
15th November 1984: Child sex men face jail fury (Daily Mirror)
15th November 1984: ‘Tough time’ ahead in jail for paedophile chiefs (Daily Telegraph)
15th November 1984: Leaders of paedophile group are sent to jail (The Times)
17th November 1984: PIE man on child porn charges (The Guardian)
19th November 1984: Child sex group ‘has folded’ (The Guardian)
25th November 1984: Dutch delay decision on Briton’s extradition (Daily Telegraph)
28th November 1984: PIE extradition ruling delayed by Dutch (The Times)
5th December 1984: Alan Rusbridger’s diary (The Guardian)
January 1985: Extradition move on child sex man dropped (Daily Telegraph)
7th July 1985: Evil PIE boss in a child care scandal (News of the World)
29th December 1987: Porn group tries to link up with child charity (The Sunday Times)
25th January 1990: Two face child porn charges (Islington Gazette)
1st August 1990: ‘Snuff’ video outrage…but nothing stops the monsters (Daily Star)
16th December 1991: Child porn man who fled is jailed seven years later (Evening Standard)
17th December 1991: Pervert jailed (Daily Mirror)
23rd April 1992: ‘Wicked’ doctor took dirty pictures of young boys (Islington Gazette)
17th September 1992: Child care expert fined over photos of naked boys (The Independent)
6th May 1993: Country house hideaway of disgraced care chief (Evening Standard)
21st February 1994: Parents call for public inquiry over sex abuse skipper (Press Association)
24th February 1994: An abuse of trust (Daily Mail)
3rd March 1994: Social work team claims to have found nationwide paedophile ring (Care Weekly)
27th May 1994: Silence that cloaked child sex conspiracy (Evening Standard)
1st June 1994: Shadow of the attic (The Guardian)
9th September 1994: Police arrest child care chief (Daily Mail)
10th November 1994: Lecturer held (The Independent)
9th March 1997: These men are the child sex abusers (The Observer)
6th July 1997: Paedophile list set up by gay rights leader (The Sunday Times)
2nd June 1998: The epidemic in our midst that went unnoticed (The Guardian)
8th October 2000: Home truths (The Independent on Sunday)
28th October 2000: The web of pure evil (Daily Mail)
9th September 2001: Inquiry into researcher’s links with paedophiles (Mail on Sunday)
10th September 2001: University investigates PhD student’s internet links with paedophiles (The Scotsman)
15th September 2002: Scandal of pervert on top legal panel (Sunday Express)
10th February 2003: Under cover in suburbia, the master spy living off the state he betrayed (Daily Mail)
17th March 2004: The police child porn expert…exposed as a paedophile (Daily Mirror)
17th March 2004: Child porn ‘expert’ jailed for abusing young girls (The Guardian)
21st December 2006: The porn vault (Daily Mirror)
17th August 2007: ‘I hate him for what he did to my girl. He’s evil’ (Leicester Mercury)
2010/2011: Annual report (Campaign for Homosexual Equality)
19th April 2013: Tom Watson’s letter to Theresa May
25th March 2014: Teachers ‘abused boys at Osborne’s old school’ + second article + third article (The Times)
28th March 2014: Boys punished for telling of abuse by teacher (The Times)