Surgeon Admits the Dark Truth About What He Did To Young Children Who Identify As Transsexual

A controversial surgeon admitted he is performing irreversible sex surgeries on pre-pubescent children. Dr. Blair Peters, who identifies as “queer” himself, was educated in Canadian and works at Oregon Health & Science University. “It’s a very complicated issue,” he claims.

A controversial surgeon admitted he is performing irreversible sex surgeries on pre-pubescent children.

Dr. Blair Peters, who identifies as “queer” himself, was educated in Canadian and works at Oregon Health & Science University.

“It’s a very complicated issue,” he claims.

“But I think definitely something that we’re going to learn a lot more about in the next five to 10 years as we’re doing just increasing numbers of these cases.”

“It’s challenging because there’s this question of ‘How does that factor into consent?’ when you’re consenting someone for pubertal suppression,” he continued.

“There likely is some effect on downstage genital surgery, but you don’t know if an individual is going to desire genital surgery in the future or not.”

The far-left doctor is receiving a massive wave of criticism.

“And then it’s also hard to have a conversation with someone that maybe hasn’t went through puberty or ever engaged in sexual activity,” the surgeon said.

“It’s a really tricky thing … more often than not, there’s been almost no genital engagement in terms of self-stimulation or masturbation.”

“So then trying to assess things like erogenous outcomes after a surgery when someone’s never had an erogenous experience is incredibly difficult because they don’t really have a baseline to compare it to.”

“And then, you know, post-operative care, anyone knows that seeing the post-op or vaginal classification is really intense and we’re kind of asking someone that is younger and hasn’t really engaged or done much with their genitalia, to all of a sudden do this like really aggressive relaxation for dilation, and it’s just a huge ask.”

“So we’re finding that to be a barrier, almost more so than [surgery].”

“You know, we’ve maybe done a couple, a handful, of pubertily suppressed adolescents as a field and no one’s published on it yet.”

“OHSU is, we’re just putting our first series [of studies] together as we’re kind of learning and figuring out what works.”

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Many of these medical problems are mentioned in accounts by young people who go through the surgeries, such as “Jazz” Jennings.

The surgeons know little about the long-term outcomes of the experimental surgery on children, according to Blair, who describes himself as a “queer” surgeon.

The frank admissions are a problem for the transgender industry and the insurance firms that cover lawsuits but also for President Joe Biden and the many Democrats in D.C. who are trying to shift progressives’ attention from policy failures on poverty, economics, and war, toward the emotional concept of needy “trans kids.”

“The reason they’re playing up the trans issue is to basically signal to their base, that [Biden] is the boldest candidate they’re gonna get, and they don’t want to lose voters to the Green Party,” said Terry Schilling, the president of American Principles Project:

The 2020 election was actually very close the terms of the Electoral College — it’s like 43,000 votes and you shift votes he loses. A Green Party candidate on the ballot in Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, in North Carolina, and will basically guarantee he loses if he doesn’t solidify the base.

The GOP has a chance to win more suburban moms by showcasing testimonies about the horrifying damage done to kids, Schilling told Breitbart News:

Suburban women, they’re with us on banning surgeries for minors, but they don’t believe it’s happening. They’re like, “Oh, yeah, but this isn’t really happening that much.” So the next Republican nominee, he’s got to talk a lot about this and bring out the transitioners. Like you almost want a “Detransitioners for Trump” coalition in order to get this out there.