
Well cancer can be fatal OR it can be treated and go into remission. What path 4th wave decides to go forward with into it’s 5th wave will be Key. Cells send chemical signals to each other all the time. Normal cells obey signals that tell them when they have reached their limit and will cause damage if they grow any further. Unlike all other cells in the body, cancer cells don’t stop growing and dividing when there are enough of them, something in cancer cells stops the normal signalling system from working. So the cells keep doubling, forming a lump (tumour) that grows in size.


Well cancer can be fatal OR it can be treated and go into remission. What path 4th wave decides to go forward with into it’s 5th wave will be Key.

Cells send chemical signals to each other all the time. Normal cells obey signals that tell them when they have reached their limit and will cause damage if they grow any further. Unlike all other cells in the body, cancer cells don’t stop growing and dividing when there are enough of them, something in cancer cells stops the normal signalling system from working. So the cells keep doubling, forming a lump (tumour) that grows in size.

Feminism started in (the body) of society with some harmless and good intentions — A bit like a genetic code that is predisposed to becoming cancerous, but will not always result in cancer. The goal of this wave was to open up opportunities for women, with a focus on suffrage. I won’t go into all the strands of Marxist Feminism, Radical feminism, Liberal feminism etc. Yet like cancerous cells, that mutate and break away from normal cells, they can travel to other parts of the body (metastasize) impacting other areas of society from it’s place of origin.

What we are now left with at the start of 2023 are the symptoms. Now, not all of these symptoms are negative. Women having the vote, Laws preventing spousal abuse etc. There are however some glaringly obvious issues, that require a form of treatment. Do we blast them with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery to remove all trace?

Radiation Therapy

Or is it possible to have a more holistic approach to tackle the harm it has caused and is causing?

As a woman without the label of feminist, here for what it is worth, is my take:


We need to bring back the respect and adoration of the mother, in the true sense of a nurturing parent. A female who has put her body at great risk in order to produce the offspring that is a perfect copy of 50% of her genes, combined with 50% of the fathers genes. It is this perfect split that makes pregnancy so potentially harmful to a woman, as the DNA of both parents circulate through the mothers bloodstream, creating a biological tug of war between mother and child for nutrients during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a huge investment for a woman to undertake, not to mention the parenting thereafter.

Feminism through it’s mutations sought to belittle the importance, the miraculous nature of motherhood, and a woman’s choice to devote her time to being a mother. It became a dirty word to many, often when asked at social gatherings when women were asked “What do you do?” they felt the need to bow their head in shame at the exclamation that they were a “stay at home mum”, or a “mother and housewife”.

It was like somehow the very natural proclivities of our species rendered them less intelligent, less worthy and LESS than other women. I could write a book about how I feel about this. Yet for the purposes of a more succinct point in this article. The absolute protected value of a loving mother is paramount to the future of a generation.

“Mother and Child”


Now you may argue, as I do marriage maybe should come before motherhood, but life happens, and it was the devaluing of motherhood through cancerous feminism that was key to it’s sickness in society. I am a child born at the end of the 1970’s my childhood of the 80’s and teenage years of the 90’s saw me blessed with examples of loving and successful marriages all around from my parents, to grandparents, to aunties and uncles. I was a huge fan of old movies, fairy tales, Disney films, and had high hopes around marriage as a desirable part of life as an adult. My idealistic views stemmed from time with my gran more than anything else.

She was a formidable woman, nothing about her was oppressed. She had been in the WAAF during the Second World War, where she met my Grandad an RAF Gunner Sergeant. She had three children, my mother the eldest and had worked when all three started school, in a confectioners & bakery. I was a frequent recipient of how amazing her baking was!

She worked part time when my sister was born, as did my mother, so the childcare was split between them, a few years after I was born, she retired and was a staple of my childcare and rearing. I’m digressing here…..

Yet studies for decades have shown that the benefit of having a nuclear family unit (where there are no safeguarding concerns) have a marked positive impact on that child’s adult life, in terms of health, happiness and success.

Happily Ever After

So far from being seen as a “ball & chain” or a weight that holds you back, or some oppressive system of power or control. Marriage to me was a successful, loving, sharing partnership of experiencing life with a co-pilot. Finding a co-pilot has become increasingly difficult due to societal changes and technology.

BUT if we don’t celebrate the beauty of a partnership, of togetherness, of sharing life with one person and all that life throws at you, then how can we begin to tackle the other societal issues that stand in the way? Like the demonisation of motherhood, so too was the demonisation of the husband and father. Yet the introduction of monogamy and family structures has proven to be without a doubt, the most successful way to live in a secure economic and fulfilled society!

Father & Daughter


Now THIS is the key to remission from cancerous feminism! We agree in the nature of humanity, provable by empirical data and rigorous testing! Men and Women share DNA, are part of the same species, yet have very different attributes, strengths, qualities and also deficits. If we recognise the key strengths from both and support each other — without gloating, or power-play in the areas we would benefit, society really could kick that tumour’s butt!

This is not about everyone living a heterosexual lifestyle. This is about understanding that society is built on the majority being heterosexual. We can all exist in a reality of objective truths where we respect the sanctity of parenthood, without placing those who are parents above others in a hierarchy.

Recent work by Miriam Cates MP around costs of childcare etc are focussing not on how to make it cheaper and therefore potentially less safe. But how we can make it possible for parents to manage on the wage of one, so the other can provide more childcare themselves. I don’t know how many mum’s or grandma’s, dad’s or grandad’s you know? Studies and personal experience in palliative care would suggest NO ONE wishes they had done more at work at the end of their life. Yet many wish they had spent more time with their children, and their family is what they are most proud of at the end.

TO CONCLUDE (for now)

— We need to treat feminism as a cancer that has caused harm, yet can be sent into remission leading to a healthier, happier life. And be mindful of the risks it will always pose if these fundamental elements of life are overlooked, in the seeking of fame, glory, sexual freedom, countless abortions, lack of relationships, reduction in marriages, careers being your defining character trait………Women can have it all, but do they want it? And at what cost to happiness and society at large?

This has inspired me to write so much more on this topic, but for now I will sign off! Take care… Be happy 🙂